Welcome to St. Olav!
St. Olav Norwegian Courses is a self-supporting group of voluntaries who create a meeting point for everyone interested in language(s), facilitating integration at the same time. We focus on newly arrived immigrants and promote peer support.
St. Olav Norwegian Courses is a self-supporting group of voluntaries who create a meeting point for everyone interested in language(s), facilitating integration at the same time. We focus on newly arrived immigrants and promote peer support.
Registration fee 100,00 kr. Payment on Vipps 19034 Las inscripciones comienzan en enero para el curso para hispanohablantes Cuota de inscripción 100 kr Hacer el pago en VIPPS 19034 |
caritas.no/kurs/ INFORMATION IN ENGLISH CARITAS IS OFFERING NORWEGIAN COURSES IN THEIR NEW PREMISSES They also offer Job-seeker activities - free of charge Questions may be addressed to: Caritas Infosenter, Oslo Phone: 23 33 43 60 23 33 43 60 23 33 43 60 23 33 43 60 INFORMASJON PÅ NORSK: CARITAS TILBYR FLERE NORSKKURS OBS! Caritas har også Jobbsøkeraktiviteter - gratis Spørsmål kan bli stilt til: Caritas Infosenter, Oslo, Hammersborg Torg 3, 0179 Oslo Telefon: + 47 23 33 43 60 E-post: [email protected] |
Nettressurser for å lære norsk
https://www.ntnu.edu/now Norwegian on the Web 1 (NoW1) focuses on the use of familiar everyday expressions and basic vocabulary. In addition, NoW1 focuses on basic grammatical rules of inflection and word order. The content is specially designed for learners who study or work at NTNU, but NoW1 is open to all who want to learn Norwegian. https://nybildetema.oslomet.no/#/nob MULTILINGUAL PICTURE DICTIONARY PICTURE “BILDETEMA” Bildetema is a multilingual picture dictionary with pictures, text and sound that can be used in kindergartens, schools and adult education. https://www.skapago.eu/en/learn-norwegian-free/ LEARN NORWEGIAN FREE-Grammar, pronunciation, exercises. Find free Norwegian courses – mini-course for Norwegian pronunciation, a Survival Guide to Norwegian grammar, and an eBook about the official Norwegian language exam Norskprøven. Learn Norwegian for free … that’s what you can do on this page. https://www.ntnu.edu/isl/calst The Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor (CALST) is a pronunciation training platform with listening, pronunciation, and spelling exercises. In the video to the right, we explain what the aim of the exercises is and how they work. The exercises are demonstrated for Norwegian, but the explanations are equally valid for all languages |