St. Olav Norwegian Courses is a self-supporting group of volunteers that creates a meeting point for everyone who is interested in language(s) and at the same time facilitates integration. We focus on newly arrived immigrants, sponsor non-commercial projects and promote peer support.
It is important that you come prepared to the class with the right book and notebook.
BOOK "PÅ VEI" 2012 Edition. Blue cover (NB! No the new one!) For level A1 and A2
Norwegian course Level A1 focuses on the basics of Norwegian vocabulary and grammar. You will learn how to greet in norwegian, how to introduce yourself, how to ask simple questions in your daily life, about the weekdays, seasons and holidays. You will also learn conversations about shopping, different types of food, about your friends and family and many other things that you should and need to know for your daily life in Norway.
Norwegian course level A2 is perfect for you who know some norwegian from before and or have completed norwegian level A1, and also for you who wish to continue learning more norwegian and about the norwegian society. This norwegian course prepares you for the famous norskprøve A1-A2
BOOK "STEIN PÅ STEIN" 2014 Edition. For level B1
The Norwegian course level B1 is the first of the intermediate level norwegian course, and is building on Level A2 “PÅ VEI”. Level B1-1 covers chapter 1 to 7 in the book “Stein på stein” (2014 edition). Norwegian level B1 part 1 focuses on developing your grammar skills to a daily practical level and increasing your vocabulary further, this will make it easier for you to have conversations with the local norwegians. Deltakere på dette kurset fortsetter med studiene på nivå B2 basert på språknivåene beskrevet i (CEFR).
BOOK "HER PÅ BERGET" 2016 Edition. For level B2-C1
Norskkurs nivå B2 er beregnet for de som har suksessfullt gjennomført norskkurs nivå B1 fra boken: «Stein på Stein» eller en tilsvarende CEFR bok, og har tilegnet seg god kunnskap i norsk grammatikk og som nå ønsker å forbedre sine norskkunnskaper.
Norskkurs B2 passer for dem som kan norsk på B1 nivå, og som vil lære mer om Norges språk og kultur. Dette nivået forbereder til Test i norsk, høyere nivå (Bergenstesten).